7420 NW 5th Street, Suite 109,
Plantation, FL 33317
Phone: 1-877-421-0584
Palm Beach
254 Sunset Ave,
Palm Beach, FL 33480
Phone: 1-877-421-0584
The Grand Doubletree, 1717 N Bayshore Dr #235,
Miami, FL 33132
Phone: 1-877-421-0584
COVID-19 UPDATE: OneSolution® is OPEN!
OneSolution® is open and operating with sterilization procedures that exceed ADA and CDC guidelines. We are proud to announce that all services are available including in-person…
What is Zirconia?
Everyone is wondering, what is zirconia? At OneSolution, we love zirconia, because it gives our patients natural-looking teeth with superior strength.
Not A Candidate For Dental Implants? We have your solution!
Have you been told that you aren’t a candidate for Dental Implants? We have your solution! Introducing OneSolution® Plus… Zygomatic Implants.
OneSolution Teeth are proudly Made in the USA
In the dental industry, it’s not often discussed, but very critically important to understand, that any types of cosmetic or essential tooth replacements…
The South Florida Heroes of Coronavirus
A hero is “a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities” (Merriam-Webster, 2020) and today…