Have you been told that you aren’t a candidate for Dental Implants? We have your solution!

Introducing OneSolution® Plus… Zygomatic Implants.

What are Zygomatic Implants?

The revolutionary Zygoma implant is an advanced dental implant that is considered a “No-Bone Needed” solution for those patients that have little to no bone left in their jaw to support traditional dental implants.

Basically, OneSolution® Zygoma Implants provide the structure needed to support a new set of teeth when your bone is not sufficient.

Only a handful of providers in the United States are Zygoma Implant Certified and experienced enough to perform this advanced dental implant procedure.

Thankfully, OneSolution® providers have performed thousands of these cases and you can be confident you are choosing the right Dental Implant Center to perform your dental implant treatment.

To make things even better, OneSolution® Dental Implant Centers offer a lifetime guarantee on your dental implants and zirconia teeth.

You can also feel comfortable knowing you have many options for sedation including the option to peacefully sleep under IV sedation with a licensed Anesthesiologist.

The Zygoma Implant procedure can be performed in a single day. That’s right.

We can remove your damaged teeth and replace them with a brand new beautiful and natural-looking smile in only… ONE DAY.

You’ve waited long enough!

Call today to schedule a free no-risk consultation and 3D CT scan to find out if you’re a candidate!

You can reach us at 877-421-0584 We look forward to helping you achieve the healthy mouth that you deserve!